天气与日历 繁体中文









热搜: 教育 书法 文学
miqiao: “且将新酒试新茶,诗酒趁年华.”
2023-10-25 18:32 回复|
miqiao: “故人入我梦 ,明我长相忆。”——杜甫《梦李白 其一》
2023-10-25 18:30 回复|
miqiao: “小楼一夜听春雨,深巷明朝卖杏花.”
2023-10-25 18:29 回复|
miqiao: “桃李春风一杯酒,江湖夜雨十年灯.”
2023-10-25 18:28 回复|
miqiao: 纵然万劫不复,纵然相思入骨, 我也待你眉眼如初,岁月如故; 纵然笑靥已故,纵然繁华落幕, 我亦许你金风玉露,生死不负; 纵然荒冢枯骨,纵然黄泉陌路, 我亦许你黄泉路上,生死同路。 ...
2023-10-25 18:27 回复|
miqiao: “山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知.”
2023-10-25 18:26 回复|
miqiao: “我有一壶酒,足以慰风尘.”
2023-10-25 18:25 回复|
miqiao: 兜兜转转了几个月,我原来才发现,我还是喜欢最初的那个
2023-10-23 18:33 回复|
miqiao: “每一个生命都值得被温柔以待”
2023-10-22 14:52 回复|
miqiao: “我心中有一簇迎着烈日而生的花” “There is a cluster of flowers in my heart facing the hot sun.”
2023-10-22 13:15 回复|
miqiao: “每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好” "Every youth will be old, but I hope you in my memory are always good"
2023-10-22 13:14 回复|
miqiao: “一个人抵过千军万马,一个人也活得有声有色” “A man is worth thousands of troops and horses, and a man is alive”
2023-10-22 13:14 回复|
miqiao: “那天我和你吹的风好暖,我永远记得” "The wind that you and I blew that day was so warm that I will always remember."
2023-10-22 13:13 回复|
miqiao: 在高速前进的世界中,永远坚定,永远自由” "In the fast-moving world, always firm and free"
2023-10-22 13:12 回复|
miqiao: “你身上的温柔就像是克莱因的蓝加上莫奈的一点灰” “Your tenderness is like Klein's blue and Monet's gray”
2023-10-22 13:11 回复|
miqiao: 我需要独立,需要学会适应你不在的时候,而当我需要你的时候,一个电话一条微信,你总会第一个懂我帮我护着我,那就足够了。 I need to be independent and learn to adapt to your absence. When I need you, one p ...
2023-10-22 13:10 回复|
miqiao: 说来这世界并不美好,总让我觉得失望。但是明日的风景总归是好的,我应当去在意这世界让我心怀暖意的地方。 The world is not beautiful. It always disappoints me. But tomorrow's scenery is always good. I shou ...
2023-10-22 13:10 回复|
miqiao: “其实生活很简单,饿了就吃饭,渴了就喝水,困了就睡觉,别把生活想得太复杂” In fact, life is very simple. Eat when you are hungry, drink water when you are thirsty, and sleep when you are sleepy. Don' ...
2023-10-22 13:09 回复|
miqiao: 很喜欢这句话:“有缘躲不开,无缘碰不到。缘起则聚,缘尽则散,随缘而至。” I like this sentence very much: "you can't hide when you have fate, and you can't touch when you don't have fate. When you star ...
2023-10-22 13:07 回复|
miqiao: “太阳在落山的时候是可以直视的,人在离开的时候是可以清醒的” “The sun can look straight at sunset, and people can wake up when they leave.”
2023-10-22 13:06 回复|

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